Japanese Seedbeads
Japanese seedbeads are the highest quality seedbead on the market today.
Uniform in size, shape & color with large holes.
They come in a wide array of colors and finishes to help enhance your designs.
Please click HERE for size comparisons.
Our seedbeads come from all three manufacturers in Japan. Miyuki, Toho & Matsuno.
Because our stock moves so quickly, and because we try to keep all colors in stock at all times,
we cannot mark which color is from which company as this can change depending on which one can supply us in the fastest time frame.
We offer our size 11, 8 & 6 Japanese seedbeads in 6″ clear plastic tubes which hold approximately 30 grams or in 3″ tubes containg approx 15 grams
We offer our size 15 Japanese seedbeads in 3″ clear plastic tubes which hold approximately 15 grams.
We do not carry any surface dyed colors.